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The Golf Dr's
Personal Library

With each book I recommend I will explain to you why each of these books are important to me and why they should be important additions to your library as well. 

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The USGA Rule Book


You really cannot consider yourself a golfer unless you KNOW the rules… can you?

In fact, you have not been playing golf at all, really… have you?

GET ONE OF THESE! Get 2 FREE and put one in your bag and one in the cave for reference.  You’ll be glad you did.

This is the first step to improving your game!

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Decisions on the Rules of Golf 


A very complicated book for most. 

This is the Legal part of the rules. If you run tournaments then you do need this book.  Otherwise, not.

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The NO Complaining Rule


The title here pretty much says it all doesn’t it?

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Master Your Emotions


This is one keeps disappearing… 

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Five Simple Steps to Perfect Golf


This system is a great way to keep from getting hurt by the hinge and lever system which has been the mainstay of the PGA card toting teaching pros FOREVER!

Google Count Yogi and then you tell me who was the GOAT!

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The New Golf Mind


This is one of the best books ever written describing the two functions of the brain and how to incorporate them into your golf game. Drs Wiren and Coop have done a magnificent job of explaining who I have come to fondly refer to them as Buford and Maynard.  Two sides of the brain must work independently but with patience for the other.

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Golf is Not a Game of Perfect


REALLY???  I have nothing on this one. OK, It’s true! How’s that!

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Golf is a Game of Confidence


ABSOLUTELY!!!  That is why we pound ball after ball for countless hours.  It is the only way to build long lasting confidence in yourself and your golfing abilities, oh and it is a great way to improve your scores as well, but there is a little more to it.

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Stay Positive


Anyone can put themselves in a positive state of mind in any circumstance or situation they may find themselves in and at pretty much any time, but can you sustain your positivity! Learn how here in just another GREAT one from John Gordon.

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The Inner Game of Golf


After all is said and done, golf really is an internal affair with you and yourself.

Oh, you didn’t know? Read this one!

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Tour Mentality


Nick O’ Hearn has done a great job of letting you into the mind and thought processes of the Touring Professional.

I recommend this book for the seasoned veteran of the game looking to improve that last little part of the game.

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Zen Golf


Zen and golf… This book really does bring that meditative state into the picture. Ever heard of “THE ZONE”?  This should help you to clear a few things up.

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Extraordinary Golf


It really is an art, isn’t it? Think about it… No person alike and each artist different unto themselves.  Be an artist each time you tee it up.  Your blank canvas awaits.

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Golf Tough


This is one of those books that teaches us the building blocks for success. 

“Dig it out of the dirt” so to speak.

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Every Shot Must Have a Purpose


This is so true and sooo many people fail to plan. 

Pia and Lynn have hit a HOME RUN with this book. They give clarity to A LOT I have been saying for years.

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Think Positive Thoughts Every Day


Most people find that they need a little nudge from time to time. This is that little nudge…

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The Coffee Bean


This little book is under 100 pages and takes about an hour to read (lots of illustrations).  It is one of most profound books I have ever read and comes highly recommended for EVERYONE. This is one of my favorites in my collection!

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The Politics of Golf


Andy doesn’t know it, but his book revitalized me after my shoulder surgery and gave me the ability to breath again.  I love this game and had lost my way.  Give this gift to someone who has lost their way along the green path of their journey and watch them Benjamin Button on you…

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Golf in the Kingdom


Watch the movie too! 




These ole Texans really mix it up, but eventually Lucas figures it out. 

There are some GREAT life lessons in this book.

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Training Camp: A Fable About Excellence



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Two Good Rounds


A fun book and lots of 19th hole stories that will keep you entertained for hours

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Golf in the Kingdom


Watch the movie too! 

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Your 15th Club


You see it is really about the inner secrets we all have, but to share them…

Bob Rotella has a firm grip on OUR game and evidence may be found in any of his writings on the subject.​

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The Short Game Bible


Not for all, but some valid points made. 

I have a complete short game, not just a sand wedge!

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Getting to the Dance Floor


A fun read.

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Little Red Book


All of the famous Texans knew Harvey and the smart ones learned! What a fascinating book of instruction.  NONE better!

Harvey Knew people!

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Little Green Book


Like the cover says, The sequel, but this book stands on it’s own merit. 

Compare the two by buying them both and you will have the collection.

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Five Lessons


A GREAT first instructional book.  This was mine and was for many more famous people than I.

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The Golfing Machine


This of all of the instruction books has confused many a golfer trying to comprehend this scientific approach to the game. If you do not possess a scientific mind, then don’t bother with this one.

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Golf my Way


This is another GREAT instructional book.  Jack brings his version of Jack Grout to life with his insight into the golf swing.




All of the famous Texans knew Harvey and the smart ones learned! What a fascinating book of instruction.  NONE better!

Harvey Knew people!

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A Life Well Played


Of course, you had to know I had these! 

I really miss him…


The main teachings from The Golf Dr come from these 5, Grit First

These are placed in the order that I would recommend reading them. 

Enjoy them.  They will grab your attention.  Oh, and by the way… This is the curriculum for The Aloha Junior Academy.


E malama pono a hui hou,


The Golf Dr

Golf Dr Tours


“Excellence is not a thought… IT’S A HABIT!!!”  Al Davis

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